It has come as an unfortunate realization for me as it has been shared many times by some of my colleagues, that most people live and express with their own needs and desires first and foremost without regard to their individual impact on the quality of living in the larger group of community, family, groups, and ultimately humanity.
Undoubtedly, I am disappointed. However, only for long enough to acknowledge the sadness this brings. Being an optimist supported by a double Sagittarius influence in my personal cosmic design, I don’t dwell long on the negative. One of my mainstay approaches is “What is the higher meaning of this”. Belief in a higher meaning otherwise known as a spiritual meaning, a higher source, or soul meaning allows for much more understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance in all situations. Believing there is an energy or a symphony of energies drawn together to build and hold reverence to influence the material world, otherwise known as the 3 dimensional world, can greatly assist humanity in traversing the current transformation of Cosmic impulse speeding up EVERYTHING including the diminishing values and concepts held by the departing impulse known as the Piscean Age or as each Age comes to a close, it is referred to as the Old World. The Age of Pisces was known for cultism, gurus, be like the group, lead with emotional passion. All of this needed and healing for the previous era of Arian times ruled by war, Fire, and raw impulse.
Moving into the Aquarian Age, the advancing era with the concepts and values of group with individual participation, shining the Light on the shadow side of everything personal and public, engaging the cosmic influence openly, moving from raw emotion to higher mental ruled by love. A true dawning of the Heart and Mind coherence meant to clear the path for peaceful, independent living of all beings so the service to the whole will beam in the Light of Truth. There is no space for hiding, secrets, and control of others because an individual or group thinks they know best.
That approach, while necessary in the past and powered by Pluto in Cancer through the year 1938, nurturing and family traditions ruled rightly so while war and reconstruction was underway in the material world (3 dimensional). That pattern was repeated multiple times in the past 100 years.
Family traditions now are evolving into a loving community like setting where everyone brings their personal genius to the group, especially the children. This is very different from what some believed in the past that children arrived on this planet as a blank slate and what they learned and expressed was strictly from what they observed in their physical environment. I’m sure there was some of that limited belief in my own upbringing. The greatest challenge for Cancer influence to overcome is control as the supreme perceived parents and leaders in families, groups, business, religion, and communities. These are clearly aspects being asked to be released from humanity’s consciousness. The clearest direction to a New World can be seen in the new generations…millennials, Z Gen, and the New World babies known as Alpha. Many thanks to the adults offering to bring these souls into this realm and to those who understand it is not their path. Both are challenging and rewarding paths to live.
By no accident is the arriving generation called Alpha. It speaks for itself, by definition…being the most dominant, powerful, or assertive people in a particular group. Their dominance in the areas of science and artistic creativity is required now, more than ever in current times. Their grasp of innovation and healing abilities are affirmed and greatly needed to move Earth and her inhabitants into a healthier and a more peaceful realm.
Here is the Alpha generation’s innate support from planetary aspects; Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus and Gemini. They won’t live under the veil of secrets and control like earlier generations have been ruled. Their role is to bring light and awareness to all that has been hidden to maintain authority and dominance. Do as I say, do as you’re told, because we know best. Have you ever heard these demands before… These are authoritarian approaches to leadership necessary for the past decades, the influences of Pluto in Cancer and early Leo. Those approaches were necessary to provide global integration with safety measures for humanity to explore and expand into recognizing the Light of One. The tides have turned now and releasing the hidden and overbearing control is a must to allow the younger generations to bring forth their intended gifts and healing for the greater good.
This intended purpose is an ideal example of We…We…We…All the Way Home. Another way to say No One Left Behind…Many paths to the same Source…I am only as strong as the group is together.
There is much more to this evolution of planetary influence on the generations. An in-depth course is planned and in the meantime, the message is to be kind and compassionate to all generations, recognizing they are all following the innate guidance of the cosmic connections of the individual generations.
A simpler perspective of this concept is an old idea that everything we need to know we learned from nursery rhymes. Humanity is moving through a transformation from everyone learning to sing and most getting caught at Do…Re…Me…Me…Me…because taking care of self and those we loved by building security beyond need was the golden rule. More of everyone for themselves, the one with the most toys wins, I earned it, it is mine, I need to pass on the wealth even if those receiving also live in a life of singers with a love of Do…Re…Me…Me…Me…
The younger generations are being called to change that tune to We…We…We…all the way home. Home being from whence we came and will return. There are many interpretations for this line in the nursery rhyme. However, for this purpose, it is meant to define that humanity, all of us, are on this journey together and we need groups and community to make the future look and feel strong and more peaceful. The New World, known as the Age of Aquarius, is led by stronger groups than as individuals. Group evolution exists when each person’s innovation and contributions to the group blends into success of all; and independence becomes interdependence. Therefore Oneness, Community, better together, and Divinely One are some of the distinctions of what the world needs to embrace and trust to move forward in healing and the greatest expression of life…Love of All.
It might seem very unrealistic and even intimidating to some. However, this is not the first time in history humanity has made such a significant shift, and it won’t be the last time. The cycles changing Ages is more than 2000 years. If you’re here now on this beautiful blue green planet, then you have a role to carry out. You have purpose, and the children, grandchildren, and greats you helped bring here are the guides to a loving future. If you would like guidance or understanding of your purpose, there are specific points and aspects in the natal chart defining your intended purpose in life.
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